Is it time for a new work chapter to start?

When did you last audit your skillset?

or brain storm your career plans?

or look at how much time is going to things you hate doing?

or dare to dream about doing work you love?

or really felt heard by someone?

Keep reading you're in the right place šŸ˜ƒ




Are you ready for things to be different in your work life?

- To stop snoozing your alarm & just get up

- To stop living for weekends & holidays

- To feel valued & heard

Itā€™s possible to have all these things & more.

Work takes up a LARGE portion of our lives, you donā€™t need to keep struggling through it - looking forward to retirement.


Live now, travel now, have fun now!











TOTAL VALUE = Ā£1,089.99




"Feeling overwhelmed as I don't know what to do first & so many loose ends to tie up! This training has given me the support I needed and now I have my questions answered."


"The content and value Abigail provides is amazingly powerful. Her tools and feedback help me to have a razor sharp focus and support me to work a lot smarter than I did before. Now I know how to bring my business to a next level."


Make Your Move Program (inc 30 days support)

How it works:

  1. Brainstorm your dream role
  2. Review your career
  3. Identify your key strengths
  4. Tell your career story
  5. Create your career plan
  6. Action your plan
  7. Evaluate your progress
  8. Adjust your plan & repeat


Find the time in your schedule for you to have the career & life you dream of!

Got a question email enquiries@sucessbydesigntraining.com to book a call.




šŸ“Œ About your coach Abigail Barnes

Abigail has over 10 years Business Experience & Corporate Experience working in Financial Services Marketing before starting her Business in 2013.

She holds a BA Hons Degree in Business & Marketing Management, a Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, DipM ACIM, a certificate in Neuroscience Professional Development, approved by British Psychological Society and is a qualified coach, approved by the Association for Coaching and the Institute of Leadership & Management, Portsmouth University Business School.

"Abigail helped me to identify my key strengths, the dream role I wanted and my limitations. From this starting point I was able to apply for the jobs that I wanted & to interview with a more relaxed and confident manner that if it was the right role for me Iā€™d get it - and I did!

She also helped me to understand that my next role was a stepping stone to my ultimate goal; which has helped me to release the pressure that I was putting on myself!Ā  I highly recommend working with Abigail. She is empathetic, experienced, empowering & the accountability has helped me keep committed to my goals. Thank you Abigail!"



Available on all podcast platforms (New episodes weekly, Thursdays 6am GMT):

Some Podcast Testimonials

"Really enjoyed the insights presented in this podcast."Ā Mike

"Fantastic Podcast, brings together the issues in a way we can all relate to." Aqshar

"Taken away that I need to balance Time, Ability, controllable Activities and Need." Andy

"Another excellent episode, particularly for me as I'm doing my time audit. The reference back to previous episodes is really helpful. Please don't stop with your tips Abigail! Thank you ā¤" Harini

"So inspiring to hear how Abigail turns her own personal stories into lessons we can all learn from. And her take on procrastination is so helpful and so loving. I am not a flawed person who procrastinates Iā€™m just someone who has a story around perfection. Love it." S kohli Lal

"Abigail Barnes provides amazing interviews on timely topics to help others get control of their time (and their mindsets)! The interviews are so interesting, and the tips provided are immediately helpful. Thanks, Abigail - I love this podcast!" Sandy

What some client's who've worked with Abigail have to say:

I was struggling with time management, for sure. I needed to balance a full-time contract, life, expanding the business and actually working on the product I plan to sell. It was all very daunting, and hard to attain focus on any one thing.

The most surprising/transformative part of the 30-Day Program was recognising how much there really is to do! In the first session, going over the broad monthly timetable was definitely eye-opening, and even though I didn't adhere to it, all of the tasks discussed are now given consideration whenever I make decisions about the business.

The biggest take away from the program was that I now actually have a plan. The timelines shift constantly, but I believe I am armed with everything that I need to grow the business, even if it takes longer than it should. If I get more time to invest, I will tick more things off. But it was really good to have the session to just talk and get a plan out, and consider how long each task would take. The accountability documents were great too - I'm still doing them, just to recap on the week gone-by. I haven't had a chance to personalise them to my sector yet, however I am constantly thinking about the day prior to plan for my upcoming day(s).

I found great value in the initial session and the weekly submission of documents - not only did they help gather my thoughts and understand the mammoth task ahead of me, but they did offer insight into my weekly routine, highlighting things that were really good to write down and reflect on.

I think if you're struggling to get your ideas down, or there's just too much on your plate to be able to focus, then Abigail is a fantastic help with that, and certainly if you're better at following plans than I am, then the day-to-day timetabling will be invaluable.

Jono Stewart

Having been in business for 16 years, one of the greatest challenge has always been time management.

Having attended Abigail's workshop, along with one of my managers, I can only emphasise how well her workshop gets across what we CAN do. Ā We do not have to be a slave to time, we can, by using Abigail's teachings, make time work for us.

I had the privilege of meeting Abigail before she had written her book and was still in the corporate world. Ā Abigail is true testament that if you implement what she has learnt, and now teaches, you will move you career, business and life in the direction of where you want to get.

Thanks Abigail, to all that read this, take time to attend Abigail's events, it's a no brainier.

Paul Wilson

I arrived at the workshop venue and while waiting in the lobby to go in I was dealing with the usual last minute emails, calls and texts. To say I felt stressed would have been an understatement.

By the end of the workshop I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. Things really do seem clearer and Abigail really brought clarity to lots of areas and tasks that I was struggling to cope with, and the priority and importance that we can falsely attach to them.

Setting attainable goals really does make you focus in the right way.

Great workshop, I thoroughly recommend.

Gary Butler

Working with Abigail is great, she is passionate and knowledgeable about the Business Growth Strategies that she teaches. With Abigail's expert help I am able to take regular important steps back from the coalface, re-assess and focus on my own business key growth objectives, vital to keeping on track.

I am delighted to recommend Abigail's Training.

Richard Pollock

Since investing in Abigail's training I have been able to restructure my business, how I manage my operations as well as trippling my monthly revenue. I now have a plan for growth that I find easy to apply and gives me more time to spend with my family and on my hobbies. I would recommend Abigail without hesitation.

Eli Pressman

It was great working with Abigail, she is passionate and knowledgeable about the Business Growth Strategies that she teaches, while working with her I was able to get clear on my own business growth requirements and create a plan to achieve them.

I am delighted to recommend her Training.

Regan Collins

I really enjoy working with Abigail, she is passionate and knowledgeable about the Business Growth Strategies that she teaches.

Abigail doesn't give you the answers instead she empathetically listens, challenges your thought process and gives you access to tools resources and ideas that stretch you to think about the problem in a different way. Ultimately this brings clarity and enables you to be really focused on your own growth requirements and create a plan to achieve them.Ā 

I am delighted to recommend her training.

Jenny Robson

Abigailā€™s Time Management workshop was just what I needed to help me manage my workload. The content was engaging and included activities that focused on prioritising tasks and increasing productivity. There was plenty of time for discussion with other participants and Abigail also gave personalised advice on individual challenges. I developed strategies for saving time and also gained a clearer picture of what I want from my business.Ā 

The Time Management workshop taught me to focus on tasks that add the most value to my business and outsource anything else. I learned that by identifying my key strengths, I could build more efficiency into my business and give myself more time to concentrate on my overall strategy.

I developed a plan for the rest of year to scale my business, which has helped me to stay focused and make better use of my time on a daily basis.

If youā€™re a small business owner and need more hours in your day, this workshop is for you!

Katie Hill

Thoroughly enjoyed Abigail's Time Management Skills Workshop. Good common sense information to help push small businesses forward.

Definitely worth attending if you're looking to get more done!

Ben Pritchard

The Time Management Skills Workshop I attended with Abigail was great value! The structure of the information she shared with us was great and made it really easy to take away and apply. I enjoyed learning about setting goals for every quarter and how to break them down into individual activities that need to be completed. This has created a much better picture for me. The other thing that I found very useful was the content on delegating and how much we can actually delegate. The training room we were in was a really great space and I loved how the room was set up for the training.

Thanks for a fun workshop.

Steffie Martin

Iā€™m very pleased I attended Abigailā€™s Time Management Skills Training Workshop and at last I can look at my business and create a growth plan making the most of my time and resources. Small business owners, I highly recommend this workshop especially if you are struggling with your Time Management and Business Growth Plans!

Daryl Kay

After my Strategy Session, I now have a clear understanding of what needs to happen for me to be able to take my business to the next level. I have a plan and the motivation to do it. Abigail is the right blend of challenging and supportive.

Her knowledge and expertise blew me away!

Sean Alty