Are you investing or wasting time?

The clock is always ticking, days become months, months become years, and years become a lifetime. No one has worked out how to stop or rewind time, are you investing or wasting time? Everyone gets the same 24 hours, but not everyone is getting the same results. WHY do some people get more return on…
Using the 10-year challenge as motivation

How to use the 10-year challenge as motivation. The 10-year challenge is taking the social media world by storm (#10yearchallenge), everyone from J.Lo and Mariah Carey to Reece Witherspoon and Janet Jackson are sharing their pictures. They say a picture paints a thousand words but does it really? When I looked back at my own…
How to reprogram your mind for success

Once you learn how to reprogram your mind for success everything will change. From the previous sentence, it sounds like you have been programmed to fail. You have! We all have!! But not quite in the way it sounds, you see over the years people taught you lessons. Your caregivers (parents) their friends, your teachers,…
Do you have the right foundations?

In the building world, a foundation is known as the element of an architectural structure that connects it to the ground and transfers the weight of the structure to the ground. The type of foundation you have will dictate the kind of structure you can build. Your foundations can be shallow or deep. Teams of architects,…
4 Questions to help you create a balanced life…

You start each day like a brand new battery, full of energy and potential, as the day rolls on activities drain your power, some more than others. Before you know it you’ve reached the end of the day empty and ready for a recharge (sleep) but maybe tonight you don’t get as much sleep as…
Time to smell the roses

Where does work end and life begin? Or more to the point what life? In a world where content is king, attention is queen, and you can sleep when you’re dead do you ever have to time to stop and smell the roses? Are you crazy busy keeping all of the plates spinning, and balance…
25 Ways to grow your business & turnover in 2018

There is no doubt about it starting, scaling & growing your own business is hard work. It takes huge amounts of time and effort, in the beginning, it means you wearing hundreds of different hats, and juggling multiple roles. Dealing with everything from sales & marketing to operations, accounting and customer service. Over the long term,…
7 Reasons to get accountable

1. Your beliefs rule your life, they create your comfort zone and convince you that what you’re currently achieving is the best that you can do. 2. You’re lying to yourself, you can achieve 100 times more. 3. When you can identify your limiting beliefs for what they are, and change them, then your potential…
7 Steps to maximise your productivity

Start each day with a plan, include numerical targets as well as the activities you need to complete to move you closer to your goals Start small and then work up. Little wins lead to bigger wins, don’t overload your to-do list Work out what your most productive times of the day are and block…
Are your goals getting you the results you want?

Without an effective plan you will have no idea where your business is going, what you can to do to move it towards your goals, and how you can evolve it to accommodate the economy you are in. “The greater danger for most of us isn’t that our aim is too high and miss it,…