How do you measure success?

This month we hosted the final panel discussion of our 2019 Redefining Success Series. This year we asked Annik Petrou, Siobhan Kangataran and Lovelda Vincenzi (Feb) Lucy Chamberlain, Angela Cox and Michael Kurn (May) and Ruth Kudzi, Jess Gardiner and Laura Try (Nov) to share their stories with us. Each of our panelist’s has redefined what success means to them and fundamentally changed their ‘career/life plans’ to create the…
3 marketing beliefs stopping your business from growing

Here are 3 marketing beliefs that are stopping your business from growing, forcing you to work harder than you need too and will ultimately lead to burnout, bankruptcy or both (there are more but these are the most common in the business owners we meet/work with). 1. Hope Marketing – The belief that if you…
Are you investing or wasting time?

The clock is always ticking, days become months, months become years, and years become a lifetime. No one has worked out how to stop or rewind time, are you investing or wasting time? Everyone gets the same 24 hours, but not everyone is getting the same results. WHY do some people get more return on…
Get brutal about your busyness!

EVERYONE gets the same 24 hours, but not everyone is spending theirs in the same way. Some people are investing their time in activities that make them happy, with people that inspire and empower them. Making their health a priority, and saying NO more than they say yes! Maybe it’s time to fire some friends, ditch…
Burnout is inevitable

When your to-do list looks more like a shopping list surely it’s impossible not to burnout / live on the edge of it? Everyone you meet has a story to tell you about how they’ve either been on the verge of burnout several times or did indeed burnout! The irony is that most people who…
What does Success mean to you?

Here at Success by Design, through our training & events, we are on a mission to help people redefine success and their relationship with time. The people we interview tells us not about a car/watch/house/handbag/holiday/promotion/pay rise, success means something else to them now…one or all of the following 3 things: > Financial Freedom Enough money…
Why Redefine Success

Redefining Success: implies that how you’re currently defining it is wrong. Don’t read on if you are happy with the life you have, the results you are getting the amount you are working and the way things are unfolding. Read on if you know you should be grateful for the life you have, but you…
What advice would you give your younger self?

On 21 May we will be hosting our second Redefining Success Event of 2019 | London and we want to tell you a bit more about our 3 awesome speakers Michael Kurn, Lucy Chamberlain and Angela Cox and share with you 10 lessons that they have learned in the past 10 years, and the advice…
7 things you can learn from the Burj Khalifa

In this post, our founder Abigail Barnes will share 7 things she learned from the Burj Khalifa while on a trip to Dubai. Perspective is everything in business/work/life, and if yours is not as good as it could be then you need a ‘hard reset’. You do it for your computer, laptop, phone, every now and again…
Get out of a funk

How do you get out of a funk? Recently our Founder Abigail Barnes has been feeling uninspired and in a bit of a funk, in this post, she is going to share how she used a strategy we teach at Success by Design Training to turn things around! Don’t get me wrong, life is good, there…