5 Inspiring Women in Business share their lessons

These Women in Business get reflective, real & vulnerable This week in response to the 10-year challenge our founder Abigail Barnes got vulnerable and shared 10 things that the last 10-years have taught her in the hope that it would help someone else, click here to read. We then asked 5 of the MOST inspiring women…
Using the 10-year challenge as motivation

How to use the 10-year challenge as motivation. The 10-year challenge is taking the social media world by storm (#10yearchallenge), everyone from J.Lo and Mariah Carey to Reece Witherspoon and Janet Jackson are sharing their pictures. They say a picture paints a thousand words but does it really? When I looked back at my own…
Success by Design Book Club

Book Recommendations There is no doubt about it, books change lives and readers are the leaders in life! Halfway through last year, I started the Success by Design Book Club in my free online Facebook Community. We meet up each month in person and online to discuss our thoughts/breakthroughs from each of the 5 books…
5 Ways to avoid decision making fatigue

Is decision making fatigue giving you anxiety? What was the last decision you made? How long did it take you to make that decision? Perhaps it was what to wear, what to eat, whether to ask someone out on a date, whether to start working with someone or to stop working with someone. Studies show we…
How to reprogram your mind for success

Once you learn how to reprogram your mind for success everything will change. From the previous sentence, it sounds like you have been programmed to fail. You have! We all have!! But not quite in the way it sounds, you see over the years people taught you lessons. Your caregivers (parents) their friends, your teachers,…
3 Steps to get more time

How can you get more time? Let’s start with the good news, everyone has the same 1,440 minutes every day. Which means that you DO have enough time to do what you want. Even though your schedule may not seem like it right now! What’s going wrong? There are activities on your schedule that are…
3 Tips to Get more Productive Today!

These tips will help you get more productive today. They are focused on helping you create a productive work environment as well as maximising your network for success. Tip 1. Clean your workspace An untidy desk, won’t help you get more productive. Piles of paperwork, post-it notes, other people’s old business cards, food, empty teacups etc…Spend 15 minutes tidying…
Do you have the right foundations?

In the building world, a foundation is known as the element of an architectural structure that connects it to the ground and transfers the weight of the structure to the ground. The type of foundation you have will dictate the kind of structure you can build. Your foundations can be shallow or deep. Teams of architects,…
4 Questions to help you create a balanced life…

You start each day like a brand new battery, full of energy and potential, as the day rolls on activities drain your power, some more than others. Before you know it you’ve reached the end of the day empty and ready for a recharge (sleep) but maybe tonight you don’t get as much sleep as…
Time to smell the roses

Where does work end and life begin? Or more to the point what life? In a world where content is king, attention is queen, and you can sleep when you’re dead do you ever have to time to stop and smell the roses? Are you crazy busy keeping all of the plates spinning, and balance…