7 Time Management Skills for Success

These are my top 7 Time Management Skills for Success, they are the foundation of all of the training that I run. “No man is rich enough to buy back his past.” Oscar Wilde 1. Manage your time, or it will be managed for you 2. Make/review your to-do list the night before 3. Group…

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Is a lack of clarity killing your sales?

Clarity is the opposite of confusion; it is a business owner’s key to success. Generally, the majority of business owners have a vague idea when they first start-up, but then as their business evolves most of their time is spent fighting fires, and clarity is the last thing on their mind. Anyone can regain clarity…

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3 Don’ts of persuasion

Getting potential clients/customers to believe in your product/service is critical to secure a sale and to achieve longer-term business growth mastery. But too many business owners don’t know how to do it. Here are three things to try next time you need to gain consensus or secure a sale: No 1. Don’t make the hard…

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A Growth Mastery Mindset

A Growth Mindset

If you are not growing as the business owner, into a business leader that inspires and motivates themselves every day then how can you expect to grow your business and manage staff (both physically and/or virtually)? Few are born with a burning desire to seek out constant growth, but anyone can learn how to live…

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Stop Selling, start building relationships!

Marketing is not rocket science so why do so many business owners get it wrong? The golden rules are simple: People buy people they know, like and trust. Your business needs a voice, but before that your business needs a message…what do you stand for, why should I spend time thinking about buying from you?…

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7 Essential Videos to Watch

In this post I want to recommend the top 7 videos that I watched when I wanted to make my leap into self-employment from the corporate world and the videos that I watch at least once a month to remind me why I do what I do. I also watch them on the days when the…

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7 Essential Books to read

In this post I want to recommend the top 7 books that I read when I wanted to make my leap into self-employment from the corporate world, and the books that I read when I was first starting out in business. Recommended Reading: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon…

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7 Steps to developing a positive mindset

1) Positive Self Talk How you explain things to yourself? What attitude do you adopt when dealing with everyday life? Do you choose to see things as lessons or as problems? 2) Positive Visualisation (Programming the reticular activating system RAS) This is about believing that you are who you want to be already when you…

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7 tips to improve your relationships online

We are moving from the information age to the ‘connection age’ but what does that actually mean? And how can knowing this affect your success in business? Connection is the foundation of the meaning of life, it is the reason that we do business with people that we like (even if they are not the…

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